Nikita Kisly

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About me


I am 19 years old. I am studying at university. I have the desire and ability to learn something new and I think this is the most important thing. My best 3 qualities are punctuality, responsibility and independence. And now I read different articles about programming, documentation, book about algorithms. I like to solve problems, to look for other ways to solve problems. For me, my interest has become closer to frontend development. I was and am always interested in how sites are developed, specifically the client side: what the user sees, how elements are arranged, animation using js. That's why I want to learn all the necessary skills in a company to work there. The most important thing is the desire.


  • Javascript(Medium)
  • HTML(above medium)
  • CSS(above medium)
  • NodeJs(Basic)
  • Git(Basic)
  • SQL(Medium)
  • C++(Medium)

Example code

Example code



I am a third-year student at Baranovichi State University. I've been watching courses on Javascript, HTML and CSS on various YouTube channels. I read the tutorial about JS

English level


I have an A1 level of English on the EPAM test, but I can talk about some English topics and I am ready to learn, I also read educational articles on English. Taking many steps forward to improve my English.